Stevie dog rescued Archives - Our Funny Little Site Thu, 21 Mar 2024 12:53:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Runner Rescues Lost Dog From a 1,000-Foot Cliff Thu, 21 Mar 2024 14:45:00 +0000 Back in late February, runner Sergio Florian was making his way up the Pu’u Manamana trail in Oahu, Hawaii, when he noticed a scared dog curled up near a 1,000-foot cliff. The dog looked really weak, and like it had been through a lot, prompting Florian to pick it up and carry it in his […]

The post Runner Rescues Lost Dog From a 1,000-Foot Cliff appeared first on Our Funny Little Site.

Back in late February, runner Sergio Florian was making his way up the Pu’u Manamana trail in Oahu, Hawaii, when he noticed a scared dog curled up near a 1,000-foot cliff. The dog looked really weak, and like it had been through a lot, prompting Florian to pick it up and carry it in his arms down the mountain.

Considering the steep cliffs and unforgiving nature of the trail, Florian had to be quite careful in order not to jeopardize himself or the dog. It took him about an hour before reaching flat terrain.

Florian captured his rescue mission on camera and later posted it on social media, with the video instantly going viral.

After getting the dog off the mountain, Florian took it to his home and gave it food and water. His wife ended up recognizing the dog from social media posts, and it turned out that her name was Stevie. The pupper got lost when she chased a wild pig and was missing for three days.

The couple ended up finding Stevie’s owner and managed to reunite the two.

“I felt I developed a little bond with Stevie out there on the trail, and I’d love to see her again,” Florian told The Washington Post in an interview.

The post Runner Rescues Lost Dog From a 1,000-Foot Cliff appeared first on Our Funny Little Site.

ersion="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Stevie dog rescued Archives - Our Funny Little Site Thu, 21 Mar 2024 12:53:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Runner Rescues Lost Dog From a 1,000-Foot Cliff Thu, 21 Mar 2024 14:45:00 +0000 Back in late February, runner Sergio Florian was making his way up the Pu’u Manamana trail in Oahu, Hawaii, when he noticed a scared dog curled up near a 1,000-foot cliff. The dog looked really weak, and like it had been through a lot, prompting Florian to pick it up and carry it in his […]

The post Runner Rescues Lost Dog From a 1,000-Foot Cliff appeared first on Our Funny Little Site.

Back in late February, runner Sergio Florian was making his way up the Pu’u Manamana trail in Oahu, Hawaii, when he noticed a scared dog curled up near a 1,000-foot cliff. The dog looked really weak, and like it had been through a lot, prompting Florian to pick it up and carry it in his arms down the mountain.

Considering the steep cliffs and unforgiving nature of the trail, Florian had to be quite careful in order not to jeopardize himself or the dog. It took him about an hour before reaching flat terrain.

Florian captured his rescue mission on camera and later posted it on social media, with the video instantly going viral.

After getting the dog off the mountain, Florian took it to his home and gave it food and water. His wife ended up recognizing the dog from social media posts, and it turned out that her name was Stevie. The pupper got lost when she chased a wild pig and was missing for three days.

The couple ended up finding Stevie’s owner and managed to reunite the two.

“I felt I developed a little bond with Stevie out there on the trail, and I’d love to see her again,” Florian told The Washington Post in an interview.

The post Runner Rescues Lost Dog From a 1,000-Foot Cliff appeared first on Our Funny Little Site.
