5 Fun Facts About Dragonflies That Will Leave You Speechless

Photo by Jude Infantini on Unsplash

Dragonflies are one of the most fascinating insects in existence, and they significantly evolved after being around for 300 million years. Their hunting and flying abilities are truly unmatched, and we’re bringing you five fun facts that will help you gain new appreciation for these tiny creatures.

Amazing Fliers

Dragonflies have often served as a muse for innovators, inspiring many new technologies with their expert flying abilities. They’re among the world’s fastest flying insects and can reach a speed of up to 35 miles per hour, flying in six different directions.

Living Underwater

Another fascinating fact about dragonflies is that they spend most of their lives underwater. They are adapted for aquatic life, especially during their early years, with babies usually spending two years underwater after hatching.

Tiny Eyes

Eyes are another compelling part of dragonflies’ anatomy. They’re made up of around 30,000 tiny facets that can all see independently, with a nearly 360-degree field of view. 

Pest Control

Since they happen to be expert hunters, dragonflies are actually pretty beneficial to people. A single dragonfly can eat up to 100 mosquitoes per day, helping control the populations of pest insects.

Mating Process

Dragonflies have a unique mating process, and the wheel position they take while trying to reproduce has often been compared to the shape of a heart.