Family Receives Gifts From Crows, After Feeding Them For a Few Years

Stuart Dahlquis is a bird enthusiast from Seattle who has been in love with these creatures his entire life. Recently, a family of crows managed to surprise this man with an incredible and creative gift.

“Crows are amazing creatures and I’ve always felt this way since I was a boy. Birds – all kinds – have been a real focal part of my life; I love watching them, listening to their calls, identifying them,” Dahlquist told Bored Panda.

This is why the man and his family were touched when they discovered a family of crows in their front yard.

“They nest in a large douglas fir tree that’s in our front yard and we could hear the babies when the parents would feed them. One day I found both babies had fallen to the ground, almost able to fly but not quite. We got them into a tree and the parents – pretty angry with us actually – took it from there and the little ones survived. We began feeding them soon after.”

They’ve been feeding these crows for almost four years when birds decided to thank the family for all the care they have given them. They left creative gifts two days in a row and Dahlquist he was mind-blown. Nature is really incredible.