Fun Facts About Bats You Probably Didn’t Know

Photo by Clément Falize on Unsplash

Many people consider bats to be scary animals. They are black, fly at night, and are often associated with sinister things. However, you shouldn’t be scared of bats. They are cool, and the fun facts below show it.

Bats Live In Almost All Parts of the World

Wherever you find yourself on Earth, there is a high chance that at least one of 1,300 bat species is living there. Bats are found in all parts of the world except extreme deserts and polar regions.

Bats Are Not Blind

If you spent your whole life thinking bats are blind, we don’t blame you. This is arguably one of the most popular myths about animals out there. But the truth is that bats actually can see pretty well, and some species have better sight than humans. This, alongside their superb hearing, allows them to navigate in complete darkness.

Bats Are Important for Pollination and Keeping Insect Population in Check

This one might change your opinion on bats. Bats mostly feed on insects and bugs, helping to keep their population in check. This is particularly the case with mosquitoes, with one bat being able to consume more than 1,000 of these pesky insects in an hour. On top of that, they help pollinate over 300 species of fruit.

Bats Come in All Shapes and Sizes

The largest bat species is the giant golden-crowned flying fox, which lives in the Philippines and has a wingspan of almost 6 feet. On the other hand, the smallest species is the Kitti’s hog-nosed bat, also known as the bumblebee bat, which weighs less than a penny and can fit on the tip of a human finger.