Fun Facts About Ladybugs You Probably Didn’t Know

Photo by Salah Ait Mokhtar on Unsplash

Even people who don’t like insects love ladybugs. They are colorful, harmless, and considered to be a bearer of good luck. Continue reading to learn some fun facts about them.

Not All Ladybugs Are Red with Black Spots

When someone mentions ladybugs, we immediately picture a red insect with black spots. But not all ladybugs are like this. They come in all sorts of colors, ranging from yellow to brown, and some have stripes instead of black spots.

Ladybugs’ Appearance Serves as a Warning

The color and markings of a ladybug serve as a warning to potential predators like frogs and birds; when this doesn’t work, they turn to their secret weapon: a liquid that is so smelly that it chases away anyone who might think about eating them.

Ladybugs Love to Snack on Garden Pests

Ladybugs are one of the gardener’s best friends. They enjoy snacking on garden pests, including fruit flies, mites, and aphids, preventing them from damaging the plants.

Ladybugs Are Actually Not Bugs at All

Despite their name, ladybugs don’t meet the criteria for being a bug. Instead, they are considered beetles. For example, regular bugs have mostly liquid diets, rarely have wings, and don’t go through metamorphosis. Ladybugs, on the other hand, go through metamorphosis, have the ability to chew their food, and have wings with hard shells like all other beetles.