Fun Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Butterflies

Photo by Alfred Schrock on Unsplash

We can all agree that butterflies are amazing. They have a fascinating life cycle that sees them turning from “ugly” caterpillars into beautiful insects that everyone loves seeing in nature. However, it turns out that there is so much more to them than that. Continue reading to learn some fascinating fun facts you probably didn’t know about butterflies.

Butterflies Taste With Their Feet

Butterflies have taste sensors located on their feet. This helps them to identify the right flowers as soon as they land on them.

Butterflies are Cold-Blooded Creatures

Did you ever wonder why you only see butterflies during the warm and sunny weather? It is because they are cold-blooded animals. They need to be warm in order to fly, which is why you won’t see them out during winter.

Butterflies Have Transparent Wings

It might not look so, but the wings of a butterfly are actually transparent. The reason why we don’t notice that by looking at them is because their wings are made out of numerous layers that overlap.

Butterflies Only Drink

When it comes to food, butterflies like it in liquid form. They have small tubes instead of a mouth, which is why they can’t eat anything solid.

Butterflies Live Few Weeks on Average

While the butterfly’s four-stage life cycle can last for months, they only live a few weeks on average in their final stage. However, there are some migratory species that are known to live longer than that.