Horse is Puzzled After Seeing Zebra for the First Time

Horses and zebras are close cousins, both belonging to the Equus family alongside donkeys. However, they rarely see each other, considering they don’t share the same habitat. This could explain the funny reaction of one horse when he saw a zebra for the first time.

Recently, horse breeder Mikayla Murphy shared a video on TikTok that captures a puzzling look on her horse Ginger’s face when he spotted a zebra in the stall across from him. Ginger had never seen a zebra before and was obviously unsure what to think about its cousin.

“Ginger is like, ‘I’ve never seen a horse that color before?!?!’  “Murphy wrote in the caption of the video, which received 9.5 million views since being posted back in March.

Murphy later decides to offer Ginger a chance to meet zebra face to face. It turned out that the zebra was quite affectionate towards Ginger, looking to greet him through a fence, but the horse didn’t look to be in the mood to make new friends. Hopefully, Ginger changes his mind at some point and realizes that he and zebra have a lot in common.

“Safe to say the zebra loves Ginger, but Ginger is still a little unsure of the baby zebra,” Murphy shared in the follow-up video.