Champy the horse and Morris the cat have a very unique friendship. For the past six years, they have been besties who hang out together every day. According to their owner Jennifer Boyle, she adopted Morris when he was 9 months old, while Champy was a one-year-old horsie.
“I introduced them and Champy instantly fell in love with Morris and knew they’d be best friends,” Boyle shared on Bored Panda. Morris, however, took a few days to convince probably because of Champy’s size but after a few days of Champy hanging out with him, and not taking no for an answer Morris jumped up on his back and they’ve been inseparable ever since.”
The adorable duo loves grooming each other, catnapping together, drinking from the horse trough together and being silly together.
You can find Champy and Morris on social media, on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook where their owner shares heartwarming images and videos of the adorable friends.
Scroll down and take a look at their photographs below.