Today we are going to introduce you to Storm – a 10-year-old Haflinger mare with the most beautiful hair in the world. This horse breed is well-known for its gorgeous mane and appearance and the minute you see a photo of Storm you’ll understand why. She was even nicknamed “Rapunzel,” thanks to her gorgeous, long mane.
Naomi Beckers fell in love with Storm 4 years ago and that’s when she bought her from her previous owner. The best thing is that Beckers also has golden wavy hair, which is why the two of them make an adorable duo together.
Storm’s hair hasn’t been cut since she was two years old, but Naomi is taking good care of it and she braids it from time to time for safety reasons. Her gorgeous looks have attracted over 50 thousand followers on Instagram and Naomi is overwhelmed with all the love they receive from fans.
“I was planning to post a few pictures on it [Storm’s Instagram] from time to time, but people kept asking me when I would post another photo. It is actually a bit out of control, but I think it is very nice that it has grown so much,” Naomi said.
Take a look at this beautiful duo and follow them on Instagram for more photos.