These Low-Maintenance Birds Make Great Pets

Photo by Ursula Spaulding on Unsplash

Just like any other animal, birds need a lot of care and love. However, there are some species that are easier to care for than others. If you’re planning to adopt one of these lovely creatures for the first time, you might want to consider adopting one of these birds.


Finches are perfect for people who don’t have lot of free time, as they require zero handling – food, water and a proper flight cage is all they need. However, these birds like to socialize with other finches, rather than with humans, so you might want to get them a few flock-mates.


These adorable birds might be the highest-maintenance bird species on this list, but they’re still not very demanding. They require some out-of-cage playtime every day and they’re extremely intelligent creatures who can even learn to follow some commands.


Much like finches, canaries don’t like interacting with people. There are many different types of canaries, but most of them enjoy being inside their cage.