Thirsty Squirrel Adorably Refreshes Herself with an Ice Cube

Screenshot via YouTube/Storyful Rights Management

Western North America is currently dealing with an extreme heat wave that resulted in record temperatures in several cities. This includes Portland, which broke its highest temperature record three times in June alone.

These extreme conditions have been especially tough on the wildlife, which has limited means to deal with this heat. Luckily, animal lovers are doing their best to help them cool down, even for a bit.

One of them is Joe Rojas-Burke, a Portland-based science writer and former cell biology researcher, who recently decided to offer some refreshment to the local squirrels by leaving ice cubes on his porch. It didn’t take long for one thirsty squirrel to take the offer, and luckily for us, Rojas-Burke managed to capture this on camera.

The video, which since became viral on social media, shows a squirrel munching on an ice cube in an adorable way. She then realizes she’s being recorded, glancing at the camera several times, but can’t resist the ice and continues to lick it.

This isn’t the only way Rojas-Burke helps the animals in need during the hot days. He also regularly refills the birdbath in his yard so the birds and bees could stay hydrated.