This Group is Committed to Saving the World’s Threatened Tree Species

Global Trees Campaign (GTC) is a non-profit organization established in 1999 with a mission to “secure the future of the world’s threatened tree species in situ, for the benefit of people and wildlife.” It is a joint initiative between Fauna & Flora International (FFI) and Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI).

According to the organization, 10% of the world’s trees (over 8,000 tree species) are threatened with extinction. Destruction of woodland and forest and unsustainable felling of valuable timbers are causing this threat. Sadly, few of these endangered trees are getting conservation programs.

The GTC aims to highlight the plight of these tree species and initiate preservation action to save them. The group works with a range of organizations including government and non-government agencies, research institutions, and local groups, to develop their awareness about the alarming issues and to tackle these problems. To date, GTC has supported conservation initiatives benefiting over 180 tree species in 29 countries globally.

Unlike mammals and birds, for which all identified species have undergone conservation assessments, the status of the majority of tree species is unknown. GTC works towards a focused approach for conserving individual tree species. They provide technical support and advice on implementing these tailored conservation programs and encourage others to help save the trees.