This is The World’s Oldest Sea Turtle Conservation Group

The Sea Turtle Conservancy (STC) is a non-profit organization founded in 1959 by famous sea turtle expert, Dr. Archie Carr, to save these animals from eminent extinction through research, education, and advocacy.

“Since our founding, STC’s research and conservation initiatives have been instrumental in saving the Caribbean green turtle from immediate extinction, as well as raising awareness and protection for sea turtles across the globe with nearly 60 years of experience in national and international sea turtle conservation, research and educational endeavors,” according to the website.

But why should we care about sea turtles? Well, these animals have existed for over 100 million years and have traveled throughout the world’s oceans. Much can be learned about our environment by looking at sea turtles, which are considered as one of the earth’s mysterious and time-honored creatures.

Unfortunately, now they are struggling to survive mainly because of the careless things people are doing to our planet’s oceans and beaches.

You can get involved by taking simple steps such as reducing the amount of plastics and chemicals you use and raising awareness in your local area about the plight of sea turtles and other marine wildlife. You can also donate to STC and became a member. For more updates, check their website and Instagram account.

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