TikToker Orders a Sandwich, Neighbor’s Dog Gets to It First

TikTok user @chipgirlhere recently ordered a sandwich from DoorDash, but when she got out to pick it up, the food was nowhere to be found. She later reviewed the front door security camera and saw that a four-legged thief managed to get to it first.

In a viral video documenting the story, @chipgirlhere shared the security footage that shows a neighbor’s dog intercepting the delivery, taking the sandwich in his mouth, and simply walking away to treat himself.

“Dog really wanted that Subway,” @chipgirlhere jokingly wrote in the caption of the video, indicating that she wasn’t too mad about the whole incident.

Other TikTokers were quite amused by the clip and joked in the comments section that the dog got the sandwich fair and square.

“He hunted that sandwhich in the wild and now it’s his prize,” one user commented.

It turned out that this isn’t an uncommon situation as it might seem. @kathryn.blackwell200 wrote that her dog had the habit of doing the same, putting her in an awkward situation with her neighbors.

“Low key that’s something my dog has done.. I reimbursed them for the food and went and got their food… now they let me when they are getting food delivers,” @kathryn.blackwell200 shared.