Watch French Bulldog Ask His Human For Food in a Dramatic Fashion

When dogs want a piece of your food, they usually tell you with a bark. However, a French Bulldog named Sunny has another method. He opts to moan in a dramatic fashion, hoping that his humans will cave in and let him share their meal.

In a video posted on Sunny’s TikTok, the pupper can be seen sitting in a stroller and watching his human eat something that looks like a tasty dessert. When he realizes he won’t be offered a bite, Sunny starts producing whining noises in an effort to get his owner’s attention while also doing his best to keep a sad look on his face.

 “He is so dramatic,” it says in the text written across the video, which got close to one million views.

The way Sunny is asking for food is quite unusual. We mentioned barking, but there are several other methods that dogs also use. Some dogs are polite and will just look at their owner with their puppy eyes. Others will be more straightforward, nuzzle the hand of their owner, or just go for the food without permission.

The video stopped short before we found out whether Sunny ended up getting a bite of what his human was having. But we want to believe that even if the food wasn’t appropriate for dogs, he got some other dog-friendly treat to fill up his tummy.