Woman Rescues Bumblebee Queen, Gets a Best Friend

Image via Fiona Presly/Facebook

A woman from Inverness, Scotland, named Fiona Presley, did a good deed and was rewarded with a best friend for it. She found a hurt queen bee while she was gardening and decided to take care of it.

“I found her when we were getting work done in the garden, and it was lucky I didn’t stand on her. I put my hand down in front of her and she crawled onto it right away. I looked at her and thought ‘something’s not right here, she’s got no wings’.”

Fiona accepted Bee in her family and took care of her. She’s posting pictures on her Facebook profile in an attempt to prove that people and insect can bond.

“People have a bond with their dog or cat and even their hamster. I think I’ve proved here that you can have a relationship with an insect.”

Image via Fiona Presly/Facebook
Image via Fiona Presly/Facebook