Would you like to try a relaxing yoga session in the company of reindeers? All you need to do is go to Alaska!
This year, the Running Reindeer Ranch’s reindeers accompanied local yogis on their weekly vinyasa or hatha sessions in Fairbanks, Alaska. This is a new take on the popular trend of practicing yoga with goats, kittens, and puppies.
Classes are being held throughout the summer, on most Mondays and Fridays at 6 p.m. They begin with a talk by Elsa Janney, a yoga instructor, who informs the attendees about the class and shares safety tips. The session lasts for an hour and it basically looks like a normal yoga class, except the reindeers are present, too.
The instructor encourages the class to pay attention to the animals that wander around by listening to the sounds they make. Occasionally, the attendees get to see reindeer do some fun stuff, whether it’s scratching their antlers in a yoga-like pose or falling asleep and snoring between the rows of mats.
It definitely sounds relaxing and we’d love to try it! How about you?