OKC Animal Welfare Asks People to “Storm” Their Shelter Instead of Area 51

You are probably familiar with the hugely popular event on Facebook that jokingly invites people to “storm” Area 51 in search for aliens. As more celebrities and organizations are getting in on the joke, one animal shelter from Oklahoma City decided to use this momentum to help abandoned animals find love and home.

OKC Animal Welfare posted a message on Facebook last week in which they invited social media users to “storm” their shelter instead of Area 51 while posting photos of some of their adorable tenants wearing thing foil caps.

“We have great animals ready to protect you from the Area 51 aliens.” – said OKC Animal Welfare in the post.

The post quickly caught the attention of internet users, who decided to oblige and storm the shelter. According to OKC Animal Welfare, since the post went up, they received more than $2,700 in donations while several animals from the photos have been adopted.

If you want to get in on this great cause, there are still plenty of animals left to protect you from those dangerous extraterrestrials. According to OKC Animal Welfare’s official website, they have 156 dogs and 24 cats available for adoption, alongside two pigs and a hamster.