Meet Dushi the Bear, Winner of the “March Napness” Competition

Bears can hibernate for pretty long periods of time during cold winter months, and Dushi from the Four Paws sanctuary in Germany took things to a whole new level. She was pronounced the winner of their global “March Napness” challenge, which aimed to find the world’s sleepiest bear.

The Four Paws sanctuary has several branches around the globe, which house a total of 23 rescue bears. Dushi resides at Bear Sanctuary Müritz in Germany, and she was the last bear to wake up this season after sleeping a few days more than the rest of her furry friends.

Dushi became quite a sensation after winning “March Napness”, but this isn’t the only impressive thing about her. She was brought to the Bear Sanctuary Müritz with bullet fragments in her front legs after living at one of Europe’s worst zoos.

“Though we don’t know for sure, it’s assumed that someone shot her while she was living in the cage. These bullets caused her to lose one of her paws. Miraculously and without proper treatment, she was still able to heal on her own,” reads the Four Paws’ Instagram page.

Those days are long behind her, and Dushi is now a curious and playful bear who enjoys spending her days playing with her friend Rocco and eating her favorite treats, including grapes, apples, and carrots.