Prairie Dog With Adorable Costumes Will Surely Make Your Day

There’s an Instagram account named Pimpa Wan, that features a cute prairie dog wearing adorable outfits. This ground squirrel is quite a snacker too. She...

These 2 Cool Cats Have Taken The Internet By Storm

Meet Yves, a cat who loves posing for the camera with his cool props and adorable poses. His owner, Tatiana, started to post photos and...

Watching These Adorable Rabbits Will Complete Your Day

There’s an Instagram account featuring two adorable rabbits, March and Lemon. Their owner shared their everyday life on social media, making them wear cute...

Here’s How Kangaroos Use Their Tail as Third Leg

Kangaroos have a unique appearance, and one of the first things you notice about them is that they have a huge tail. Scientists have...

This Cat Has The Perfect Round Eyes And Everyone Is Smitten

Meet Norwegian Forest cat Komugi Komaru, who has the most perfect round eyes in the entire cat world. This cute furball lives in Fukuoka,...

These Are Some of the Strangest Collective Animal Names

You know that birds fly in flocks and dogs move in packs, but have you ever wondered how are other groups of animals called? There...

Abandoned Kittens Are Now Grown up and are Traveling Across Japan

Daikichi and Fuku-chan, a.k.a The Traveling Cats were abandoned as kittens but when they were adopted, they definitely found a happy and loving family. Daikichi...

Do Hippopotamuses Actually Have Pink Sweat?

You have probably heard someone saying, at least once in your life, that hippopotamuses have pink sweat. How true is that? According to Mark Ritchie,...

Senior Dog Dumped on Lawn With A Sad Note Now Lives With A Loving...

A few weeks ago, a 13-year-old dachshund mix named Reese was dumped on someone’s lawn in Fayetteville, Georgia, with a handwritten note. “I hope whoever...

9-Year Old Shares Images of All the Dogs He Pets

As we get older, we tend to forget the pleasure that comes from the simple things in life. That's why so many people are...

Dog’s Life Can Be Described Through Their Prized Possessions

I bet most of the owners would like to know the personality of their dogs, what defines them, their likes and dislikes, among others. Most...

People Are Sharing Their Adorable Pet Lizards

When Twitter user Izzy from Chicago shared how she spends time with her best friend – an enormous lizard named Petey –  people started...