African Wild Dogs Care for Their Elderly

Though we tend to see human-like characteristics in our dogs, that's not always the case. Yes, dogs seem to be able to feel guilt,...

This is What a “Skunked Beer” Looks Like

Recently, a skunk in Billerica, Massachusetts, was out looking for food but ended up stuck somewhere. When the little creature saw a beer can, he became...

Park Rangers Rushed to Help Six Baby Elephants Stuck In A Row

Recently, six baby elephants fell in the mud pond and got stuck all together in a row. When a group of park rangers in...

Raccoons May Wash Food Before Eating

Depending on where you live, you may have seen raccoons going through your trash can on a regular basis, so it's odd to hear...

Why Do Crocodiles Gallop?

A group of researchers led by members of the Structure and Motion lab at the Royal Veterinary College from London gathered to investigate why...

How Bats Care for Their Babies?

Did you know that female bats actually take care of each others' babies? They form a group called Maternity Colony and raise their babies...

Male Emperor Penguins Are the Best Animal Dads

It is now autumn in Antarctica and the emperor penguins' breeding cycle is beginning. There is a long winter ahead of them but male...

This Lamb Shows Excitement Through Dancing

Ursula is a little lamb at Longview Animal Care and Adoption Center in Texas. She is an employee’s foster there and everyone at the center loved...

How Come Elephant’s Rarely Get Cancer?

With cancer, the chances are pretty devastating - you’re more likely to get it the longer you live and the larger you are. With...

These Animals are Not as Deadly As They Seem

Some creatures are believed to be deadlier than they really are. However, when we look into their fatality rates, we’ll see that they aren’t as...

