Meet Cody – The World’s Smallest Alpaca

Cody is not your ordinary alpaca. She was born at a mere 6.5 pounds, which is unusually small compared to most alpaca babies that are born at 15-20 pounds.

Because of her size and frailty, Cody struggled to survive. But she surpassed the illness and injuries, and now, she lives a healthy and normal life together with her human family. She even authored her first children’s book, titled Cody, The Teeny Tiny Alpaca, inspiring children that it’s okay to be unique and that they can celebrate their differences.

“Cody hopes this message might help arm children as they face self-doubts, judgment, and even bullying in their everyday lives.”

Cody’s story has captured the hearts of everyone and she has appeared in several magazines and shows including Colorado’s Daybreak, The Now Denver, Colorado’s Best, Alpacas Magazine, Alpaca World Magazine, and The Denver Post.

In addition to her book, Cody has variety of products ranging from stuffed toys to necklace. You can follow her Instagram page for more updates.