Papa John’s Created Tiny Pizzas For Bees

Bee populations have been declining rapidly over the past couple of years and to draw attention to this global problem, Papa John’s created the world’s first pizza for bees.

This special mini pizza made for bees is called “The Beezza” and it’s based with passata and topped with wild flowers, rosemary, and thyme. Apparently, the bees loved it!

Darryl Cox, senior science and policy officer of the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, said they’re delighted that Papa John’s is supporting their work to protect and feed the nation’s bumblebees

 “It may seem hard to believe, but without bumblebees, there would be no pizza. Tomato plants hold their pollen in extremely tight structures and literally need a bumblebee to buzz the pollen out to fertilize the flowers. This free-bee service means we can produce enough tomatoes to satisfy the global demand for pizza and other tomato-based products”, Cox said in an interview with Food & Wine.

The Beezza is made especially for bees, but Papa John’s create another pizza for us called “Bee Sting”. This one is topped with chilies, pepperoni, and honey and people who buy this pizza online can donate the change to the Bumblebee Conservation Trust until September 1.