These Adorable Toys Promote Wholesome Family Values

Calico Critters are timeless, classic toys that promote wholesome family values. They inspire the imagination and creativity of children all over the world, through their award-winning miniature animals and their life-like environments, complete with homes, furniture and accessories.

The animal figures are made of a special flocked material, giving them a charming quality. The toys were first introduced in Japan in 1985 and they are distributed worldwide.

“The Critters live in the community of Calico Village. All the citizens in Calico Village have hobbies and jobs. The underlying theme is giving, friendship, and happiness. Calico Critters are wholesome, never trendy,” reads the website.

The Calico Critters brand has received numerous awards including the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award. Throughout the years, the Calico Village remains a magical world of imagination for children and collectors.

Check out the Calico Village below.