Top 4 Differences Between Butterflies and Moths

Photo by Alfred Schrock on Unsplash

Butterflies and moths don’t just look similar. The two also belong to the same order of Lepidoptera and play a significant role in nature by polluting flowers. However, there are more than a few differences between them. Let’s check them out.


Butterflies are known for their beautiful wings with vibrant colors and patterns. Moths, on the other hand, usually have wings that are dull in color and less eye-catching. Also, butterflies keep their wings open when they are resting, while moths tend to fold them.


Butterflies have leaner bodies compared to moths, who tend to be more robust. Also, quite a few moth species have a fuzzy layer on their bodies.


Perhaps the most telling difference, although not the easiest to notice, is in the antennae of butterflies and moths. Butterflies have straight and long antennae with balls on the end. Moths have feathery antennae without the round tips.


Finally, butterflies and moths differ when it comes to the time of the day when they are active. You’ll see butterflies during the day because they are diurnal insects. Moths are nocturnal insects, which means that they are most active during the night, and that is when you’ll encounter them most frequently.