Prison In Brazil Uses Geese Patrol to Prevent Prison Breaks

Dogs move over; there are new guard animals in town. One prison in Brazil, Santa Catarina, is using a geese patrol to monitor its...

Fun Facts About Foxes You Probably Didn’t Know Before

We already know that foxes are smart and sneaky animals. They even inspired the term “sly as a fox.” So let’s focus on the...
Cat in leaves

Owning Plants as a Cat Owner is Possible… Here’s How

Transforming your home into a green oasis as a cat owner seems like a mission impossible but it doesn’t have to be. Being a...

Adorable Video Shows Baskets Full of Baby Kangaroos Enjoying the Morning Sun

An adorable video featuring baby kangaroos enjoying the morning sun has recently melted the hearts of social media users. The clip was posted by The...

Tiny Kitten Gives Rescuers a Hard Time After Being Stuck in a Storm Drain

Animals in need of help sometimes make it hard for humans to provide them with that help. This can lead to challenging situations, but...
Beluga Whale

Beluga Whales Possibly Communicate and Interact By Changing the Shape of Their Forehead Melons

Beluga whales are instantly recognizable thanks to fat deposits on their foreheads known as “melons.” However, as it turns out, these melons are not...

Dog Stuck in a Rock Quarry Uses His Bark to Call for Help

Animal organization North Canaan Animal Control recently shared a “crazy story with a very happy ending” about a dog named Rippy who saved himself...

Fun Facts About Skunks You Probably Didn’t Know

Skunks have a reputation for being the smelliest members of the animal kingdom, and if you have ever encountered one, you know that this...
sphynx cat

Sphynx Cats Have the Lowest Life Expectancy of Pet Breeds

If you’re thinking of welcoming a sphynx cat into your life, it’s important to think twice, because it might not stick around for too...

Chloe Hurst of Goth Garden Celebrates the Beauty of Dark Plants

Chloe Hurst was always drawn to the darker side of life, and she wanted her garden to have that same energy. She’s growing her...
Dice Snake

New Study Finds That Dice Snakes Can Fake Their Own Death

Playing dead to ward off predators is not uncommon in the animal kingdom, and one snake species is taking things to a whole new...
cat drinking milk

Should Your Cat Be Drinking Dairy Milk?

It’s no secret that cats love the taste of dairy milk, but is it any good for them? Just like people, cats are prone...