Curious Cat Ends Up Getting a “Job” at a Metro Station

Cats are curious creatures, and that can sometimes get them in trouble. However, for one cat named Misha, her curiosity helped her get a...

Raven Manages to Beat a Human in a Game of Tic-Tac-Toe

It’s no secret that ravens are quite smart and have amazing problem-solving skills. However, seeing the displays of their intelligence is still quite astonishing....

Cat Hides in a Box and Gets Accidentally Shipped From Utah to California

We know that cats love boxes. The enclosed space gives them safety and warmth while hiding element plays to their nature as predators. But...

Fun Facts About Flamingos You Probably Didn’t Know

Thanks to their eye-catching pink color, flamingos are one of the most fabulous creatures on Earth. But did you ever wonder how they got...

Viral Video Shows How You Can Teach Your Dog to Play a Piano

Dogs are great at learning new tricks and skills. But while most dog owners settle for teaching their canines to fetch the ball, sit...

People Had Some Funny Names for Their Dogs 700 Years Ago

Having trouble coming up with a name for your dog? Well, in that case, you might want to check out the names people gave...

Animal Lover from Kazakhstan Has a Genius Way of Feeding Stray Animals

Stray animals struggle to find food, but thankfully, there are kind-hearted humans out there who go to great lengths in order to feed them....

5 Amazing Facts You Should Know About Emus

Emus are one of the first bird species that come to mind when someone mentions Australia, and they’re truly remarkable in more ways than...

This Animal Shelter in New England is Helping Bunnies in Need

Animal shelters take care of a wide variety of different animals, but one establishment in New England puts bunnies front and center. House Rabbit...

Moth & Petal is Prolonging the Life of Butterflies Through Her Art

It’s no secret that butterflies have a pretty short life span, but what if we told you that it was possible to enjoy their...

Tiffany Jackson is Instagram’s Favorite Reptile Owner

People often fear snakes and don’t want to be anywhere near them, but Tiffany Jackson wanted to find out what lies on the other...

Barcelona, Spain is Home to its Own Corgi Café

Corgis are one of the most delightful dog breeds out there, but what if we told you there’s a café where you can enjoy...