Artist Creates Animal Sculptures From Old Farm Equipment

John Lopez is a remarkably talented artist who turns old farm equipment into beautiful pieces of art. The South Dakota based Lopez, inspired by the American West, came up with the idea of creating metal sculptures of old and discarded farm equipment. Horses, bulls, wolfs, and other remarkable animals were turned into fascinating pieces of art. According to the artist, the most exciting thing for him is creating the texture.

“I just start grabbin’ stuff from the pile and welding it, in and if you weld enough of the same thing on over and over it creates this really cool texture that I’ve never seen in these kinds of pieces before,” the artist shared on Just Something. “And I think that’s what draws people in.”

You can find his work on his Instagram profile where he shares the process of creating these unique pieces of artworks.

Scroll down and take a look at his gallery below. Which sculpture is your favorite?