Rare Plant Bae Will Inspire You to Transform Your Home Into an Indoor Garden

Plants have the power to completely transform your home and help you find peace in the midst of chaos. No one knows this better than Rare Plant Bae, who’s using the power of plants to create a calming atmosphere in her home, and she’s inspiring other people to do the same.

Rare Plant Bae is the alter ego of Winnie, a plant lover from California who shares her home with her adorable puppy and countless house plants. She started her journey in 2020, and her indoor garden quickly grew from just five plants to over 100!

Winnie’s plant collection became so impressive that she decided to start her own shop and sell rare plants and aroid mixes on Etsy. She also uses the power of social media to share the tips and tricks she learned over the years with fellow plant lovers.

Winnie is using her platform to share the transformative power of plants with the world because they’ve truly helped her bloom.

“Having plants in the bedroom makes such a big difference. It doesn’t just brighten up the room, but my mood as well. Waking up to plants just puts a smile on my face. If you don’t have plants in your bedroom yet, start today!” she writes on her Instagram.