5 Fascinating Facts About Turtle Shells That You Have to Hear to Believe

Photo by Luca Ambrosi on Unsplash

Turtles are truly fascinating creatures, and they simply wouldn’t be the same without their amazing shells. These protective shells are basically turtles’ suits of armor, and these five amazing facts will help you see them in a whole new light.

No Leaving

Cartoons might’ve made you believe that turtles leave their shells as they get older, but that’s not the case. Shells are actually a part of the turtle’s spine, and they grow with the turtle.

Lovely Bones

Turtle shells can consist of up to 60 bones, not just the spine. Backbone, breastbone, ribs, and pelvic and shoulder girdle are all fused together to form turtles’ protective shells.

Great Protection

Speaking of the shell’s protective properties, they’re mostly made of keratin, the same substance that strengthens human hair and nails. Shells are turtles’ first line of defense, and they’re exposed to infection, bacteria, and predators without them.

Top & Bottom

Turtle shells consist of two parts—carapace (top) and plastron (bottom)—and they’re shaped differently for a reason. The plastron is flatter than the dome-shaped tops, making it easier to swim and walk.

Identification Tool

In addition to serving as a protective shield, shells are an important identification tool, and they can help scientists identify different species, especially when dealing with fossils.