Cat Decides to Give Its Owner a Free Haircut

Cats have many talents, but you wouldn’t expect them to know how to cut hair. However, one cat owner discovered they know how to do this as well, but not in a fun way.

TikTok user Jordan Myszka recently shared a funny video on her TikTok that shows her beloved feline deciding to give her a free haircut.

The clip shows the cat casually nibbling on Myszka’s hair while her human is occupied with something else. However, at one point, the cat manages to bite through the hair, causing one strand to fall on the ground. Shocked Myszka quickly realizes what is happening, causing her to jump out of her seat.

“Apparently, my cat has gone to beauty school,” Myszka wrote in the caption of the video, which received 19 million views in a couple of weeks.


Apparently my cat has gone to beauty school 🙃

♬ Funny – Gold-Tiger

Other TikTok users found the video quite funny and filled the comments section with jokes.

“They call him the midnight barber,” one user wrote.

“’This piece was a little uneven babes’,” another added.

There you have it. If you see your cat messing around with your hair, know that you are about to get a haircut that you didn’t ask for.