Killer Whales Can Learn How to Speak “Dolphin language”

Not only killer whales can communicate with each other, a new study has found that they can also learn “dolphin language”. We know that most...

Do Sharks Sleep?

Have you ever wonder if sharks sleep? For sharks to keep receiving oxygen, water needs to be kept in constant motion over their gills....

What Animal Can Hold Its Breath Longest?

Most humans can hold their breath for about 2 minutes. The world record is held by freediver Aleix Segura Vendrell from Barcelona, who once...

The Mantis Shrimp Has the Fastest Punch in the World

Mantis shrimps may be small, but their punch is the fastest in the world! Mantis shrimps are relatives of lobsters and crabs. They are...

Campaign Shows the Sad Consequences of Plastic Pollution on Marine Life

Most of us are aware of the fact that plastic is harmful for the environment, for marine life and planet Erath in general. Nevertheless, we still...

This is How Garden Eels Eat

In order to learn how garden eels eat and handle currents, Alexandra Khrizman and her colleagues from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel...

Rare Footage of Deep Sea Gulper Eel in Movement

We know that many strange creatures live deep in the see. It can be pretty scary to think that we don't know everything that's...

Colorful Sea Slugs Steal “Weapons” to Attack Predators

Sea slugs, also known as nudibranchs, are colorful animals that use their bright appearance as a warning for the predators. They may move slowly,...

This Fish Needs Only Two Weeks to Grow Up

Two weeks are nothing when you look at life as a whole, right? Not for the turquoise killifish, though. This species can grow up...

Only 13% of Oceans are Still Wild, a Study Finds

Many people are under the impression that a vast majority of the planet’s ocean waters hasn’t been explored yet, but the truth is that...

