Dog Senses His Owner is About to Have a Seizure, Rushes to Help

Image via embracingecho/Instagram

The TikTok community is celebrating a pupper named Echo, who recently helped his owner go through an epileptic seizure with his heroic behavior.

In a viral video posted on @embracingecho, Echo can be seen sitting on the fridge while observing his owner, Jaime. Soon, Echo senses that Jaime is about to have a seizure and rushes to help.

The dog takes a bottle of meds and brings it to his human before laying on top of Jaime “to prevent dislocations.“

“During seizures, I have no idea what’s happening. Echo is the reason for my safety and independence when I’m alone or in public,” shared Jaime in the caption of the video. “My seizure became a little more aggressive but he stayed regardless and im proud of him.”

Jaime added that it was “quite embarrassing” to share this video but believes it is “good advocacy for Epilepsy.”


It’s quite embarrassing to post this but I think it’s good advocacy for Epilepsy During this video, Echo brought preventative medication but it was too late An “aura” had presented and I was beginning to enter a seizure. Echo barked to alert that a big seizure was happening. He laid on my body to prevent dislocations. During seizures, I have no idea what’s happening. Echo is the reason for my safety and independence when I’m alone or in public. My seizure became a little more aggressive but he stayed regardless and im proud of him. I had to cut the video quite a bit because the seizure was longer and the video was over 3 hours. #seizureawareness #servicedog #epilepsy #seizureresponse #assistancedog #seizurealertdog

♬ what was I made for? – Instrumental – Wheeler

Echo’s heroics quickly spread across social media, with the video receiving 28 million views since being posted in February. It also received close to 28K comments in which other TikTok users praised the dog for his actions and told Jamie she had nothing to be embarrassed about.

“My heart couldn’t take how the dog was crying and really worried about you.. they’re literally angels sent from heaven,” one user commented.

“I love that this showed two sides of him: silly goofy boy on the fridge, & then his commitment and devotion to you. That’s beautiful, not embarrassing,” another added.