Raven Manages to Beat a Human in a Game of Tic-Tac-Toe

It’s no secret that ravens are quite smart and have amazing problem-solving skills. However, seeing the displays of their intelligence is still quite astonishing. For example, Instagram user Alexandr recently shared a video that shows how his raven Gosha managed to beat him in a game of tic-tac-toe.

Gosha starts the game by placing two consecutive Os in the bottom row. But after being blocked by Alexandr, Gosha pivots and places O in the middle of the upper row. Alexandr makes a mistake by not blocking again and the raven gets the win by completing the middle row vertically.

While it is clear that Alexandr let Gosha win, it is still remarkable that the raven knew where to place his pieces and recognized the opportunity to win.

Many Instagram users were impressed by Gosha’s skills, although some were not happy with the way he won the game.

“She understood the concept of a game. WOW. So intelligent,” one user commented.

“Naw you let him win that’s not fair,” another added.

 While impressive, it isn’t surprising that Gosha managed to learn the basics of tic-tac-toe. Studies have shown that ravens are among the most intelligent birds in existence and that adult ravens can have the problem-solving skills of a seven-year-old child.