Top 4 Tips for First-Time Bird Owners

Pet Bird
Photo by Thierry Lemaitre on Unsplash

Birds can be great pets, but the process of welcoming them into your life and taking care of them is quite different compared to more traditional pets like dogs and cats. If you are looking to become a bird owner, here are some tips that will help you navigate the early challenges.

Learn More About the Particular Bird Species

Different bird species will require different care and level of attention. Make sure to learn more about the particular bird species in order to see what they need.

Get the Proper Cage and Other Accessories

Your bird will likely spend significant time in its cage, so you want it to be comfortable. Make sure it is big enough for the bird and has enough accessories like toys, swings, bungees, and exercise ladders.

Bird-Proof the House

You will have to prepare your home for a bird member of the family because you’ll need to let it fly around on a daily basis to allow them to stay in good mental and physical condition. Make sure to keep all the hazards that could harm the bird, like mirrors, fans, and sources of heat, out of the room that your bird is staying in.

Get Used to Early Wake Up Calls

As soon as the sun is out or they hear outside noises, your bird will be up. And don’t expect it to keep quiet just because you are sleeping. Make sure to get used to early wake-up calls, or at least don’t keep your bird in the same room you sleep in.