3 Useful Tips for Seeing Beluga Whales in the Wild

beluga whale
Photo by Mendar Bouchali on Unsplash

Beluga whales are one of the most common whale species held in captivity due to their docile nature, but nothing compares to seeing them in the wild. If you want to see belugas in their natural habitat, these three useful tips will help you get the job done.

Perfect Timing

Timing is everything when it comes to seeing beluga whales in their natural habitat. It’s usually best to wait for the summertime because belugas tend to migrate to shallow coastal waters during the summer months, making this time of the year most popular with whale watchers.

Right Place

Do your research before going beluga watching and pick the right location, ideally one where you can join a whale-watching tour with experienced local guides. Churchill, Manitoba, and Cunningham Inlet in Canada are some of the most popular locations for beluga watching, but the list goes on and also includes parts of Greenland, Alaska, and Norway’s Svalbard archipelago.

Come Prepared

Whale watching requires a lot of patience so keep your eyes on the prize and stay focused during your tour. Consider bringing binoculars or a camera with a long-focus lens along so you could get a closer look at belugas without disturbing them.