4 Signs That Will Tell You Your Dog is Too Cold

Dog in coat
Photo by Ariana Kaminski on Unsplash

You might think that dogs rarely get cold thanks to their thick fur. However, that is only the case with dogs accustomed to low temperatures. All other dogs are sensitive to low temperatures in the same way humans are and can quickly get too cold during winter.

Continue reading to find out the signs that will tell you your dog is too cold and is ready to head back inside.

Dog is Shivering

This is one of the most obvious signs. If you notice that your dog is shivering, that means they are most likely already feeling too cold.

Their Ears and Body Are Cold

You can also use a hands-on approach and touch your dog’s ears. If they are cold, the chances are that your dog is also feeling cold. You can, additionally, get your fingers beneath their fur and touch their skin. Cold skin is another good indicator that the dog is struggling to stay warm.

Dog Seems Tired

If you notice that your dog is tired even if you don’t have plenty of outdoor activities, then there is a chance that the cold is making them feel that way.

Shallow Breathing

Shallow breathing is a pretty good sign that the cold is getting to your dog. At this point, you need to warm them up and get them inside quickly.