84% of Americans Say Pets Have Positive Impact on Their Mental Health

Photo by Chewy G on Unsplash

It is well known that pets bring much joy to our lives and can do wonders for our mental health. A recent survey conducted jointly by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is just more proof of that.

The results of the survey have been revealed in early March. Out of 2,200 adult pet owners who took part, 84% of them said that pets have a “mostly positive impact on their mental health.” More than 60% of surveyed pet owners also credit pets for “being a true friend,” providing unconditional love and support, and offering them companionship.

Some pet owners also said their pets help them become more social, get a better grasp of their schedule, and encourage them to be more physically active. More than half of survey responders had dogs as their pets, followed by cats, birds, fish, and reptiles.

“As veterinarians, we witness firsthand the powerful bond between people and their animals and the positive impact pets can have on their emotional well-being,” said AVMA President Rena Carlson in a press release. “From offering companionship and unconditional love to reducing stress and anxiety, pets can be invaluable sources of comfort and support. These survey results further reinforce the importance of responsible pet ownership and the critical role pets play in our lives.”

There you have it. If you want to improve your mental health, getting a pet is a great way in achieving it. Don’t wait any longer to get yourself a new pet companion, and let them do their magic.