Libyan Boy and Baby African Golden Wolf Become Best Friends

Hamza Masoud, a seven-year-old boy from Libya, has a really unusual pet. After finding the baby African Golden Wolf, he decided to raise it...

Photographer Transforms Her Dog into Human-Like Characters

Photographer Ursula Aitchison and her golden retriever Hugo are not just best friends, they are also partners in crime. After seeing that Hugo likes posing in...

Company Recreates Pets in an Adorable Stuffed Animal Form

You can't get enough of your pet and want him to be around even when you are not at home? Well, Cuddle Clones found a perfect...

“Thoughts of Dog” Shows How Dog’s Twitter Feed Would Look Like

If there's something we're missing on the internet as we know it today it's the social network for our pets to share their thoughts...

These Cats are Hilarious as They Try to Hide from the Vet

If you don't believe that pets are able to tell what's going on around them, you've probably never seen a cat or dog who...

These Adorable Felted Animals by Derevschikova Look Amazingly Real

The Instagram page of Russian felting artist Derevschikova is a must follow for anyone who loves cute and adorable animals. When you first visit her profile,...

Woman Hopes to Spread Stray Dog Awareness with Awesome Puppy-Filled Christmas Cards

Houston-based dog lover and animal advocate Amanda Hulebak found out a great way to spread stray dog awareness and encourage dog fostering; by making...

Wanted: To Borrow an Orange Cat to Play Garfield

A mom from Oklahoma has recently shared an unusual request on her Twitter account. The photo of a poster she left around her neighborhood...

Smart Dog Pretends to be a Stray in Order to Score Pizza

It turns out that humans are not the only ones who can't resist cheesy awesomeness that is pizza. Facebook user Estrella CR recently decided...

Little Boy Saves Lonely Lost Puppy

Earlier this month, 10-year old João Gabriel found a lonely white puppy as he was walking from school and he decided to help the...

