Donkey and Horse Form an Unexpected Friendship in an Animal Rescue Shelter

Animal rescue shelter Refuge Farm Sanctuary recently shared a video on their TikTok that melted the hearts of social media users. It details an unexpected friendship between a “mini donkey” named Rooster and a “big horse” named Zeus.

In the clip, Rooster and Zeus can be hanging out in a stable and enjoying a touching moment.

“A mini donkey who lived alone for 6 years, and a big horse who’s never understood how to make friends become inseparable besties forever. This is sanctuary,” Refuge Farm Sanctuary wrote in the video while adding “Rooster and Zeus are so perfect” in the caption.

Refuge Farm Sanctuary also shared some details about Rooster and Zeus’ friendship by responding to other TikTok users in the clip’s comment section. According to them, the duo lives together 24/7, and “little Rooster follows his big friend everywhere all day and night.”

While they are different species, donkeys and horses belong to the same family of equidae. They are both social animals and can easily bond with their companions, regardless if it’s humans, one of their kind, or another animal. This is why it isn’t surprising that they can become great friends like Rooster and Zeus did.