Fun Facts About Grasshoppers You Probably Didn’t Know

Photo by Jeanne Paredes on Unsplash

Grasshoppers are hardly anyone’s favorite insects. They look kind of scary, produce annoying sounds, and can damage large amounts of crops in no time. But maybe you will learn to tolerate them a bit better when you read these fun facts below. 

Grasshoppers Defend Themselves With Spit

When they feel danger, grasshoppers will start spitting brown liquid. The liquid, which contains digestive enzymes, among other things, is smelly and acidic and aims to discourage predators from attacking them.

Grasshoppers Have Ears on Their Bellies

You might have noticed that grasshoppers don’t have visible ears. This is because their ears are actually on their bellies, tucked between the wings. They are not ears in the traditional sense, but actually membranes that vibrate when they pick up sound waves.

Grasshoppers Can Regenerate Limbs

Grasshoppers have the amazing ability to partially regenerate their limbs or antennas. If they lose a part of the limb or antenna early in their development, they can regenerate it completely.

Grasshoppers Are Older Than Dinosaurs

 Based on the fossil findings, it is believed that grasshoppers or at least their predecessors evolved 250 million years ago. This makes grasshoppers older than dinosaurs.

Grasshoppers Can Fly Long Distances

Grasshoppers usually rely on their excellent jumping abilities to get around. However, when they are in search of food or mates, they can fly long distances and cover more than 30 miles in a single day.