For the last 15 years, Polish puppeteer Lukasz Puczko has been delighting passersby and confusing dogs with his dog marionette companion named Burek. Thanks to Puczko’s meticulous attention to detail in crafting Burek and their ability to replicate the dog moves and mannerisms with strings, real dogs can’t tell the difference.
Burek recently went viral on TikTok when Puczko posted a video of the marionette’s encounter with a dog that looked just like him.
In the clip, the real dog can be seen being scared when Burek “charges” towards him before he gathers some courage and starts barking at the puppet. In a true dog fashion, Burek turns his behind to the real dog for a sniff before continuing to tease him.
Puczko explained in the caption of the video that Burek has “a smell from other dogs,” which allows him to fool real dogs and prompt them to start interacting. He also added that Burek isn’t just a performer but also serves as a therapy dog for people who are afraid of dogs.
Burek – The Dog Marionette. Fully improvised show with unique type of marionette. Puppet has a smell from other dogs, what with a propper wind can bring a dog to Burek in seconds what randomly starts interaction. Body language allowed by handmade construction is the key here. Burek is not barking, but people around my shows are 😅 This puppet is working as well as a therapy dog for people who are affraid of dogs 💪 those are very random moments during a show on a street, but not that impossible to handle with this puppet. This is 7th generation of Burek, first has been made in 2009. (For licensing or usage, contact [email protected]) st-Art Festival, Tegelen 2024, Totaal Theater. #dogs#puppet#street
This is Burek – The Dog Marionette. Fully improvised show with unique type of marionette. Puppet has a smell from other dogs, what with a propper wind can bring a dog to Burek in seconds what randomly starts interaction. Body language allowed by handmade construction is the key here. Burek is not barking, but people around my shows are 😅 This puppet is working as well as a therapy dog for people who are affraid of dogs 💪 those are very random moments during a show on a street, but not that impossible to handle with this puppet. This is 7th generation of this puppet, first has been made in 2009. #puppet#puppy#dog#dogsoftiktok
Burek – The Dog Marionette. Fully improvised show with unique type of marionette. Puppet has a smell from other dogs, what with a propper wind can bring a dog to Burek in seconds what randomly starts interaction. Body language allowed by handmade construction is the key here. Burek is not barking, but people around my shows are 😅 This puppet is working as well as a therapy dog for people who are affraid of dogs 💪 those are very random moments during a show on a street, but not that impossible to handle with this puppet. This is 7th generation of Burek, first has been made in 2009 st-Art Festival 2024, Tegelen. Totaal Theater. #dogs#puppet#street