This Organization Created “Arctic Sea Ice Day” to Help Save Polar Bears’ Homes

Polar Bears International is the only organization committed exclusively to wild polar bears. The group worked hard to conserve these gigantic animals and the sea ice they depend on.

“Through media, science, and advocacy, we work to inspire people to care about the Arctic, the threats to its future, and the connection between this remote region and our global climate.”

According to the organization, every year, polar bears of Western Hudson Bay are forced ashore in summer when the sea ice melts. To raise awareness about the alarming sea ice loss in the Arctic, they created “Arctic Sea Ice Day,” on July 15th to help reverse this trend.

“The key to getting the climate system back to functioning the way it should, and to preserving a future for polar bears across the Arctic, is to move away from using fossil fuels for energy altogether.”

You can help save sea ice by supporting your local renewable energy programs and learning facts about Arctic sea ice, or by getting involved in the group’s different programs and campaigns.

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Sea ice is magical, complex, and an important part of the Arctic ecosystem. But sea ice is melting as climate change heats up the Arctic➖and the impacts reach well beyond polar bears and walruses to our own backyards. . The key to getting the climate system back to functioning the way it should, and to preserving a future for polar bears and all wildlife across the Arctic, is to move away from using fossil fuels for energy. Here are a few ways you can encourage the shift to renewable energy, on #ArcticSeaIceDay and every day: . 1️⃣ Learn more about your local and regional renewable energy options and programs. Are there any solar or wind energy options available to you? Does your local energy company offer sustainable energy incentives? Are there any local programs aimed at reducing emissions? Google knows! . 2️⃣ Support a state/province/country-wide renewable energy program. Vote for representatives who commit to investing in programs that make renewable energy affordable and accessible across communities. Let these leaders know that you want efficiency standards and renewable energy sources for constructing, heating, cooling, and lighting the places where we all work and live. Also show your support for carbon pricing plans, which economists say are the swiftest, most efficient paths to a renewable energy future. You can start by calling, writing a letter, or reaching out on social media.

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