Turbo is the cutest little chihuahua we’ve seen in a long time! He was adopted by Ashley Looper when he was six weeks old after being born without his front legs. Looper made a cart for Turbo after she was unable to find a cart company that would make a cart for a dog younger than six-months-old.
“Turbo’s first cart was made out of a helicopter toy,” Looper says in the video below. “We just tried different D.I.Y. carts.”
But after the internet learned about Turbo, things quickly changed. “Turbo’s story went viral almost overnight,” says Looper. “It caught the attention of an aerospace engineer in San Diego and he basically took it upon himself to create the design, throw some rollerblade wheels on it, and ship it out to us.”
Once turbo got the hang of his new wheels, nothing could stop him. Watch the full story below.