Back in February, Trinidad & Tobago native Natasha Nunez noticed an iguana sitting at her fence. She believed that the reptile was just curious and catching a breather before moving on. But then something strange happened.
It turned out that the iguana didn’t want or was unable to move. It remained sitting on the fence for two days, causing Nunez to become concerned. She decided to publish a post on Facebook, looking to reach anyone who is able to help out.
“Because we are concerned and don’t want him to come to any harm (from our cats or otherwise) and we too old to run behind a dinosaur … he’s been there for 2 days now without food or water and we doh know what to do,” Nunez wrote in a post while attaching couple of videos.
Nunez’s pleas were quickly answered by the El Socorro Centre for Wildlife Conservation. The organization sent one staffer who picked up the reptile and took it to their rescue center for examination with the intention of releasing it into the wild. It turned out that the iguana was a female that was possibly carrying eggs and was “seeking warmth.”
“So glad we were able to save her and allow her to live out her days comfortably,” Nunez shared in a caption of the rescue video.