Don’t think that the “dog is man’s best friend” line is true? Well, the following story will then definitely change your mind. It involves a devoted canine named Palomo, who recently successfully led the search for his missing owner.
Back in November, Mexican police received a missing person report. An 84-year-old resident of Sonora, known as Don Goyo, went for a walk and didn’t return to his home. His family wasn’t worried at first since the man would often travel on foot to visit the nearby cities, but after a few days have passed, they notified the authorities.
The police started a huge search, but Don Goyo was nowhere to be found. That is when his beloved dog Palomo stepped in. Leading a group of family members and volunteers, Palomo managed to find his owner in one small canyon, overwhelmed by the rough terrain.
It turned out that Don Goyo became disoriented at one point and aimlessly wandered in the hope of finding his way back. He was less than two miles from his home when Palomo found him.
Don Goyo immediately received the necessary medical care, while Paolomo received a round of praise before following his owner to the hospital.