The Story of Rescued “Baby Hedgehog” in Cheshire, England Takes a Wild Turn

When one well-meaning woman from Cheshire, England rescued a baby hedgehog and took it to a local animal rescue center, she didn’t expect her story would make the headlines. The “baby hedgehog” quickly became a true sensation on social media, after it turned out it’s actually just a pom-pom.

The staff at the Lower Moss Nature Reserve and Wildlife Hospital in Cheshire, England are used to seeing wild things every day, but things took a pretty crazy turn when one woman came in after picking up the “hedgehog” from the side of the road.

She was visibly distraught, but the staff at Lower Moss quickly put her worries at bay, according to the veterinarian Janet Kotze.

“From a distance, you take it at face value. She didn’t handle it at all — she scooped it in a box with some cat food and left it alone in a warm, dark place. She did everything so well. She barely peeked at it because she didn’t want to stress it out,” Kotze told The Independent.

This honest mistake shouldn’t stop people from taking care of rescue animals. In a viral Facebook post addressing this incident, Lower Moss representatives said that “kindness knows no bounds, even when it’s to a faux furry friend,” and encouraged people to seek help from the local vets if they ever spot a hedgehog out during the day.