If you need more proof that the dogs are the best, then look no further than a wholesome video recently shared on social media by TikTok user @buddythebowtiegolden.
In the clip, a golden retriever named Buddy can be seen nervously looking for his “lost” owner in a park. As soon as he spots them, the dog charges towards them with a joyful look on his face.
“that moment when you catch your dog looking for you, and they finally see you,” it says in the text attached to the video, which got 4.3 million views since being posted in late March.
This heart-melting moment between Buddy and their human ended up touching a lot of TikTok users, who shared their thoughts in the comments section.
“The most precious souls in this world,” one user wrote.
“Humans don’t deserve dogs. Unconditionally loyal,” another added.
In response to one of the comments, Buddy’s owner revealed what happened after the camera stopped recording.
“I dropped my phone and melted into the grass. We sat there for a few minutes while he was laying on his back, enjoying all the belly rubs,” they wrote.