Fantastic Origami Animals by Oz Neyer

Origami is the ancient Japanese art of paper folding. Though it sounds simple, we’re always astonished by the unique twists and the distinctive art...

Wildlife Photographer David Lloyd Takes Close-Up Photos of Stunning Animals

David Lloyd is a New Zealand-born photographer who currently lives in London and travels around the world to take photos of wildlife. He has...

“Cats in Food” is an Instagram Page that Photoshops Cats into Food

Even though cats look yummy and adorable, we have never thought about trying to eat them! There’s someone who’s been toying with this idea...

Ireland, the Country Without Snakes

According to a legend, St. Patrick used the power of his faith to drive all the snakes from Ireland into the sea. Though it...

Cat’s Tail Reveals How She Feels

It’s universally known that dogs show emotions using their tails, but did you know that cats also do it? Of course, their way is...

Video Shows a Brave Two-Legged Chihuahua on Wheels

Turbo is the cutest little chihuahua we’ve seen in a long time! He was adopted by Ashley Looper when he was six weeks old...

Japanese Artist Creates Incredible Animal Sculptures Using Balloons

Japanese artist Masayoshi Matsumoto creates animal sculptures from balloons that are so lifelike, you’ll want to adopt one of them as a pet. The...

Jack the Cockatiel is the Most Adorable Bird on Instagram

Birds can be the perfect companion – they are not only beautiful, but they are also an extremely beautiful and intelligent species. Jack, the...

Follow This Chubby Cat’s Journey on Instagram

Meet Bronson, a three-year-old, 33-pound cat, adopted by cat furniture designers Mike Wilson and Megan Hanneman. The owners also have three other cats named:...

Adorable Animals Who Love Booping the Camera

Why are animals so popular on the internet? We can answer that for you – it's because they are so cute and they...

Meet Pigcasso – the Adorable Pig Who Loves to Paint

Pigcasso, a big fat pig, rescued from a slaughterhouse, loves to paint. She lives in South Africa, at Farm Sanctuary SA, enjoying all the...

Cute, But Deadly Mammals

We all think little animals are so cute, but some mammals can actually be deadly to us. Who doesn't find piglets, puppies, and human...