Rescuers Save Kitten Stuck in a Hole on the Freeway

We love cats for their curiosity, but sometimes that can prove to be really bad for them, as a recent dramatic video shared by...

Smart Australian Shepherd Treats Himself to Cheese From the Fridge When He Thinks No...

One dog owner named Katie recently discovered that her smart Australian Shepherd named Bailey has an unusual habit. Bailey will occasionally treat himself to...

Watch a Daredevil Corgi Skate Down a Long Stairway

We have seen dogs riding skateboards before. However, the way one Corgi from Spain is doing it is really impressive. In a recent video shared...

Donkey Who Went Missing 5 Years Ago Gets Adopted by Herd of Wild Elks

A story of a missing donkey named Diesel, who got lost five years ago during a hike, recently received a happy end. Diesel is...

Watch as a Polite Golden Retriever Waits in Line to Order a Pup Cup

Golden Retrievers are a kind and polite breed of the canine world. They are always on their best behavior, even when you don’t expect...

Fun Facts About Ladybugs You Probably Didn’t Know

Even people who don’t like insects love ladybugs. They are colorful, harmless, and considered to be a bearer of good luck. Continue reading to...

Paige Tailyn of Blossom Effect Will Help You & Your Plants Bloom

Paige Tailyn fell in love with plants thanks to her late grandmother, and she couldn’t imagine her life without them. The Blossom Effect founder...

Librarian Pete from Arthropod Archives Will Change the Way You Look at Insects

Insects are misunderstood and underappreciated creatures, but one public librarian decided to give them all the attention they deserve. Pete is the founder of...

Vicky Gatzweiler is Living Her Best Life on an Alpaca Farm

Alpacas are truly wonderful creatures, and Vicky Gatzweiler loves them so much that she decided to spend every day around them. She’s living her...

Ramona Maywood’s Art Celebrates the Endless Beauty of the Sea

The beaches of Cornwall and Scotland are Ramona Maywood’s happy place, and she found a special way to celebrate their beauty. She’s collecting tiny...

Watch a Dog Getting a Fake Haircut and Loving Every Moment of It

TikTok user Vinnie recently shared a video of his dog Rocco getting a fake haircut. The video quickly went viral, and social media users...

Curious Squirrel Has Been “Spying” on a Woman for Years

We already know that squirrels are curious little furry creatures. However, there is one particular squirrel named Glenda that took her curiosity to a...